10 Badass Women: The Fashion Edition

It’s still Women’s History Month, but we celebrate these fashion it-girls every day.

It’s impossible not to keep up with the fashion it-girls. In a world full of chaos, these women in the fashion industry keep us sane. Without women in the fashion industry, we would be a hot mess — especially at events, on magazine covers, and social media. Whether stylists, designers, or influencers, we chose these ten fashion it-girls because they always know how to shake us to the core. What they do isn’t just a moment but a series of impactful moments all the time. It’s still Women’s History Month, but let’s celebrate them every day.

Lindsey HartmanFashion Stylist

Pierrah HilaireFilm Director and Fashion Influencer

Lycia LaminiFashion Stylist and Influencer

Danielle LaraqueOwner and Designer of Laraque

Sainabou LoweFounder and Designer of SAI by Sai

Kia MarieStylist, Style Architect, and Influencer

Martine RoseFounder and Designer of Martine Rose

Kim ShuiFounder and Designer of Kim Shui

DonYé TaylorFounder of Nuclei and Fashion Influencer

Maya WangFounder and Designer of Fried Rice NYC

Marisa Kalil-Barrino

Marisa is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of 1202 MAGAZINE.


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